Mary Beatty is controlling owner of Brexton and responsible for the day to day operations of Brexton. She is responsible for executing the strategic business plan with the support of the Brexton Leadership Team. She is also responsible for handling Investor Relations. Mary started her career at Brexton in 2007 as the Accounting Manager and worked her way through the ranks on the accounting side of the business and was promoted to President in December of 2017. In 2019, Mary was the first woman elected to serve on the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) Board of Directors Central Ohio Chapter.
Mary attended Ohio University for three years and graduated from The Ohio State University with a B.A. in Art. She is an active member in the Conway Family Business Center, active AGC Board member, active in The National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) and Builders Exchange BX of Central Ohio. Mary completed the BX Rising Leaders Institute program in the fall of 2011.
Before coming to work for Brexton in 2007, Mary worked for Limited Brands in the Community Relations Department and was responsible for tracking several thousand employee’s involvement and contributions for their annual United Way Campaign, as well as reviewing and responding to thousands of donation requests to the Limited Brands, Inc.
Mary’s hobbies include cooking, reading, riding her bicycle and gardening. Mary resides in the Short North area of Columbus, Ohio with her 2 cats and husband Joe.